Friday 21 August 2015

The JOY of a new academic year

Summer is abuzz with bumble bees and happy plans as we prepare for the new academic year!

But not all is bright and sunny for the young people of our nation. Over lunch today I was reading some seriously  deflating data from the Good Childhood Report.

The headline was 'School is sad for English Children'. I immediately became glum on reading that headline but it got worse.

The report carried out in collaboration wtih the University of York found:
1.  Children in England were more dissatisfied with their school experience than those in 11 other countries including Uganda, Ethiopia and Algeria.
2. The report suggested 33% of children in England have been bullied in the past month
3. 50% of children felt excluded felt excluded.

And then closer to home for the university sector the study finds children become unhappier as they reach their teenage years.

Saint Francis Xavier and the Jesuits gave us the proverbial truism  “Give me the child until he is seven and I'll give you the man” which we know time and time again to be true through the wisdom of years spent with children growing into adults.

Life, habit and character formation happens in those precious early years and for those of us who work with young people we meet humans nearly fully formed to be the person they are going to be.

Chaplaincy along with a range of services within universities and together with those inspirational educators (who take raw diamonds and polish them to help them shine) offer all sorts of TLC (Tender Loving Care) on campus.

Offering a sense of meaning, purpose, valuing the lives and interests of young people, sharing humour and jokes, relaxing and having fun together over games and food, faith and spirituality formation all feed young people's well of happiness and their God given right to feel good about themselves and others.

Joy is an underused word in English but many cultures naturally ooze joy. For our young people coming to University this year may JOY and a deep abiding happiness of heart and spirit be abuzz in all we do and say as we welcome them on campus.

JOY and Bible quotes

"So that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed." Romans 15:32

Some ideas to share JOY on campus!!

What I LOVE about these simple 'JOY makers' are that even if a few people are doing them, others see it and they smile and that is automatically a joy filled moment for a person.

1. start a 'BIG SING' group that can be pop up -any time any where on campus. You can start with that simple gospel song: 'I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.. WHERE? down in my heart WHERE? down in my heart...'

2. Charity shops sell really cheap good quality board games and toys that can be so much fun for students and staff to play with on campus. Pop up in cafes and places around campus that are easy and visable. I've got a bunch of yo-yo's, frisbees, bubble mix, balloons that create happy fun moments and they're cheap cheap cheap!

3. A.R.K. Acts of Random Kindness always works a treat to create joy filled moments. Same mantra 'any time any where with anyone' and we all know free sweets goes a long way creating a happy moment :)

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